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  • Writer's pictureLexi Kassler

Can You Slow Travel for 2 Weeks?

Slow Travel is as much a state of mind as it is a way to plan your travel. So how do you do it? Where do you go to Slow Travel? Read on to learn the answers!

woman standing in a river

Is it possible to Slow Travel for two weeks? The simple answer is yes! And not just for two weeks, but even one weekend is enough time to Slow Travel your way around a destination. You can go hiking or camping in nature nearby. Explore your own city or a city near you. All of this is considered slow travel!

Just like the Slow Food movement is not about literally eating food more slowly, Slow Travel does not mean you need months to travel.

In reality, the Slow Travel Movement is about traveling more mindfully, being more conscious of the footprints you leave behind and the impact (positive or negative) of these footprints. Such as using alternatives to Airbnb for slow travel to avoid contributing to the Airbnb effect on housing and rent.

Ideally, when traveling a Slow Traveler will:

1. leave the place better than they found them

2. fully take in the history and culture of a place

3. make purchases that benefit the local economy

4. travel in a way that doesn’t drain you mentally and emotionally

In fact, I would say Slow Travel is the best way to travel for those who only have two weeks' vacation!

But in the end, it’s all about your priorities and what kind of experience you want to have.

If you want to go city-hopping all through Italy, do it!

If you want to join a week-long group tour of Thailand on your first solo trip, that sounds incredible, and you should go!

If it feeds your soul, I am ALL for it.

However, by following Slow Travel principles, you can more fully explore one or two cities and get a taste of what it’s like to live in that area.

How to Slow Travel for 2 Weeks

By following the Slow Travel mantra, “See less, experience more,” you can do so much in two weeks!

Have more authentic experiences

  • Put roots down in one place for a couple of weeks. You’ll be surprised at how comfortable you get.

  • Get to know people around the neighborhood or town you’re staying in.

  • Take your time at historical and cultural locations rather than speeding from one place to the next.

Spend less money

  • Save money and stay in one place! Here are some alternatives to Airbnb.

  • Eat at least one meal a day at your accommodation. This is a money-saver as well as healthier for you, too.

  • If you do eat out, go to non-touristy places. They’re usually cheaper, more authentic, and better-tasting. Tip: look for places that don’t have pictures on the menu!

  • With less city-hopping and taking tons of tours, you will see a bit less but experience more (there’s that slow travel mantra again) and save a fair amount of money.

Create less waste and less impact on the environment

Use your vacation time to recharge and rest

  • Don’t feel obligated to do things all day, every day of your trip.

  • Plan for activities that you actually enjoy. If you like cooking, take a cooking class. But don’t just do it because it’s something you feel you have to do.

  • While a significant point of Slow Travel is to learn about the history and culture of a place, absolutely don’t feel guilty for not seeing things.

  • Find joy in the little moments as much as the big moments every day.

Places to Slow Travel for 2 Weeks

So what do you think?? Ready to plan your next slow travel adventure?! Here are my top destinations to Slow Travel in for 2 weeks.

Slow Travel in Big Cities

city skyline view through trees
View from Terazza del Pincio in Villa Borghese, Rome, Italy

As much as Slow Travel can be more easily accomplished in medium to small-sized cities, I’m a big city girl at heart. I LOVE the hustle and bustle of big places and having tons of options at my fingertips. If you’re like me and just dipping your toes into your first Slow Travel trip, I recommend going to a big city.

These three recommendations are not only the best cities for traveling but also the best “foodie” cities in the world (that I have visited so far). If you want to eat the best food of your life for two weeks, these are probably the places to do it!

Rome, Italy: I’m immensely biased on this one. I lived here for almost four years! There are just so many places to see. It’s very easy to get lost (in a fun way) and wander around, finding idyllic little corners to explore the city.

Bangkok, Thailand: Bangkok is the mother of all cities. It is massive, chaotic, smelly, beautiful, smoggy, and enchanting with some of the best food in the world. The people are incredibly friendly, and you’ll find it very difficult to get bored!

Mexico City, Mexico: I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Mexico City and can confidently say that this is a great place to spend a couple of weeks. Once again, this city was built for people who like to eat and especially drink 🙈 Check out my blog about How to Find the Best Food in Mexico City.

Slow Travel in “Medium-sized” Cities

view of Prague castles
Prague, Czech Republic

I define medium-sized cities as places that are best for people who like to have activities planned but need downtime and quiet. I’m very much in this category at times. I love having everything open and available during the day but strolling around quiet streets at night.

San Sebastian, Spain: It’s at this point I’m asking myself, “Did I make this list based on great places to Slow Travel or great places to eat??” Because this is another foodie city that needs to be on your bucket list. If you like tapas, buckle up.

Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rent a bike (if you dare!) and take two weeks to get to know this cooler weather and less jam-packed version of Venice, Italy. All the canals with half the hassle! ;)

Prague, Czech Republic: So much to explore in this incredible city. It’s a great place to meet new people as well!

Slow Travel in Small Cities

Girl sitting on rocks overlooking the ocean
Zadar, Croatia

For my chill folks who are super happy to sit on a beach or a mountain top enjoying the view for a few hours, then go back to a bar to sip a beer while you read or journal. Umm, that sounds amazing. I need to do that soon…

Tamarindo, Costa Rica: That sitting on the beach and taking in the views I was talking about? Yeah, this is it! The ultimate beach destination for Slow Travelers. You can surf every morning and live the Pura Vida lifestyle.

Zadar, Croatia: Such a neat little town seaside town. While it is small, there’s no shortage of places to sit back and relax and enjoy your vacation time.

Bolzano, Italy: You could literally hike a different trail every day here! If you go in the winter, this spot is excellent for snow activities. The mix of Austrian and Italian food options will keep things interesting, too!

I hope this list piques your interest in Slow Traveling for your next 2-week vacation!

For my fellow Slow Travelers, what other Slow Travel friendly places am I missing? Comment below!

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